What Do I Put On My Resume If I Do Not Have Experience?

News and insights for job seekers and hiring managers.

What Do I Put On My Resume If I Do Not Have Experience?

There’s a first time for everything, and this includes putting yourself out there to land a new job in a field you have no previous experience in. Whether you’re looking for your first job or venturing into a new career field, creating a resume that highlights why you’re the perfect candidate for the job can feel like a major challenge.

Lack of experience shouldn’t be something that you let stand between you and the career move you’re ready to take, after all, everyone starts by just getting their foot in the door at some point. The key to landing a job without previous experience is knowing how to highlight your talent, potential, and commitment on a resume that outshines the rest.

Here are the key elements to include on your resume when you lack previous experience.



You want the employer to know exactly why you’re a good candidate without making them work too hard to uncover this information on their own. Include a professional summary statement at the top of your resume that highlights who you are as a professional. Consider this as the initial handshake between you and the hiring manager.

Relevant Education of Job Skills

If you don’t have relevant work experience, you need to focus on what you do have to offer. This often comes in the form of relevant education or skills that you’ve gained through other opportunities that pertain to the position you’re applying for. Consider special courses, areas of study or extra curriculars that may have prepared you for this position.


Internships and Volunteering

If you’re lacking previous experience, prospective employers are going to look at other ways you may have gained the necessary or relevant skills for the job. Internships and volunteer opportunities you have been involved in are great ways to highlight relevant skills.


Strategic Keywords

Many employers use programs that scan resumes to pick up on relevant keywords that indicate a candidate has the required skills, experience or other qualifications. Without a previous work history, these words don’t always appear naturally on their own. Do a little research, like reading through the ad you’re applying for or visiting the businesses website to pick up on a few important job-related keywords to include in your resume.


Let Top Notch Personnel Help You Polish Your Professional Persona

One of the most effective ways of gaining job experience and getting your foot in the door of some of the fastest growing industries is by working with a professional staffing agency that can place you with the career opportunity you’re looking for. At Top Notch Personnel, this is part of what we do best. Contact us and learn more about the opportunities that await you today.


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