As federal, state, and local governments begin to make plans for the gradual lift of stay-at-home orders, employers and business owners have a responsibility to do the same. Opening Up America Again asks that all employers take steps to allow for a safe, effective, and gradual return to operation.
Here are some of the most important things to consider, as presented by our in-house staffing experts:
1. Perform a Full Re-Entry Assessment
Establish a task force within your organization specifically dedicated to the realities of COVID-19 in the workplace. The first job of this task force (even if it is just you) is to assess what changes need to be made to both the physical space and to company policy in order to keep everyone safe.
2. Update Company Guidelines, Handbooks, and Training Materials
The key to any effective policy update is swift and total communication. If you are implementing post-COVID policies and rule-changes, then they need to be institutionalized into your on-boarding materials as well as provided to existing employees before they return to the workplace.
3. Reconfigure the Workplace
Do not wait until the last minute to prepare the place of work for the realities of COVID-19. Plexiglass barriers, screens, and dividers can be installed quickly. Businesses with the capital might want to invest in fully re-designed office spaces, trading open-floor plans for the more segmented office & cubicle spaces.
4. Consider Employee Testing and Monitoring
Under CDC and EEOC guidance, COVID-19 poses a significant enough threat to the workplace to allow employers to require medical testing. By implementing a monitoring and testing policy that is consistent, respectful, and confidential, employers can help maintain the ongoing health of their workforce and prevent a potentially debilitating outbreak.
5. Integrate Remote Positions and/or Tasks
While there are plenty of jobs that simply cannot be performed remotely, some employers and employees alike have recently found out just how convenient remote work can be, for both parties. By creating permanent remote positions or allowing employees to work a portion of their hours from home, it is possible to reduce workforce exposure, and believe it or not, increase productivity.
Contact Us Today
Getting your business back to normal after COVID-19 might be a slow process, but it doesn’t have to be a stressful one as well. If you are looking for qualified candidates to help your business get back to work, the expert staffing professionals at TNP Personnel can help.