A compelling employee value proposition (EVP) can’t just be a statement outlining a company’s commitment to its workforce; it has to become an integral part of your company’s culture. Without that, even the most enticing EVP quickly becomes meaningless, as employees don’t see a direct benefit.
Fortunately, making your EVP part of your company culture isn’t as challenging as one would expect. If you aren’t sure how to begin, here are some insights that can get you moving in the right direction.
Speak Directly with Your Workforce
Some company leaders assume that they’re knowledgeable enough to create an EVP without direct input from their workforce. However, an EVP is employee-centric, and it needs to reflect what workers value most about their experience as an employee. You can’t force your team to align their preferences with what your company wants to offer in this regard; you need to adjust your EVP to match your workforce instead.
Speak with your employees directly regularly to determine their needs and preferences. Ask them if they feel supported, seen, and appreciated. Find out what they enjoy most about their work experience and what’s falling short of their expectations. That allows you to identify why professionals want to work for your company, as well as what you can change to increase your odds of being viewed as an employer of choice.
Focus on the Employee Experience
An EVP isn’t about the bottom line; it’s about the employee experience. The goal is to boost job satisfaction by providing your workforce with what it needs to thrive. This can include everything from an inclusive, supportive culture to ensuring they have the optimal tools for each of their tasks.
Essentially, for an EVP to lead to positive cultural change, it has to improve the daily lives of your employees. Ideally, it also needs to be distinctive. When your EVP includes aspects that aren’t available through competitors, you’re creating an experience (and culture) that isn’t replicated elsewhere. If that occurs, it can cement your position as an employer of choice, ultimately boosting recruitment and retention in a new way.
Commit to – and Sell – the Sizzle
EVPs can only become part of your culture through staunch commitment. Companies need to be diligent about living up to the promises they make to employees, giving the EVP more inherent authenticity.
However, actively selling the EVP is another critical step, particularly in the recruitment equation. Companies need to showcase their EVP in their job ads, on career pages, and through other avenues. That allows employers to reach candidates who are looking for that type of workplace experience, making it easier to draw in top talent.
Additionally, the recruitment process must feature benefits associated with the EVP. That ensures the candidate experience aligns with the promises made by the EVP and the company’s culture. With alignment, job seekers remain engaged and enthusiastic, improving their experience while also increasing your access to top talent.
Contact Us
Do you want to incorporate your EVP into your recruitment process? Top Notch Personnel can enhance your candidate experience, making it easier to connect with the skilled job seekers you need to thrive. Contact us to learn more about our services today.