Having the help of a recruitment agency on your side can make a world of difference when you are looking for work. They have access to employers you may have not otherwise been privy to. In the midst of COVID-19, recruiters are especially valuable to candidates. Below you will find how you can work with a recruiter throughout the pandemic and beyond to further your career.
Polish Your Interviewing Skills
Interviewing during COVID-19 is a bit different than before. For the most part, interviews are happening virtually via video conferencing or telephone conferencing. Working with a recruiter can help better prepare you for the employer’s interview process.
Because they have worked with the employer in the past, they can give you an idea of what the interview will be like. Recruiters can also give you tips on how you should dress, what skills would be beneficial to highlight, and even do a mock interview with you. If you haven’t ever interviewed via video chat, this can be extremely helpful in landing a new job.
There Are More Opportunities Than Ever
If you have found yourself out of work at this time, it is also a good opportunity to re-address your desires. Consider if you were truly happy at your previous work and what you would like in your next job. Think about what you are good at and use those things to your advantage. Even if you aren’t out of work, if you are searching for a career or job change, now is a great time to connect with a recruiter.
While there were a lot of jobs lost or furloughed throughout the pandemic thus far, there have also been numerous jobs created by the crisis. Opportunities have just changed. Working with a recruiter can give you an idea of what positions are available that fit your skillset.
Recruiters Are Building Relationships
Although many people have had some time off, recruiters have spent much of this time continuing to nourish their relationships with employers. They know who is hiring, what they are looking for, and maybe more importantly, how much the business is growing. These pipelines are constantly being built by recruiters for candidates to take advantage of.
Even if they aren’t actively hiring, many businesses are working on establishing strong candidate connections. By connecting with a recruiter and establishing a relationship with them, you will have a head start when companies begin hiring or are looking for someone with your abilities.
Flexible Positions Are Widely Available
Now more than ever, flexible positions and remote jobs are widely available. Additionally, the job hunt has gone widely remote as well. You can connect with recruiters, companies, and even learn new skills from home. If you have been considering transitioning into remote work, a recruiter can help identify which positions would be a good fit for you.
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Are you contemplating a new role in your career? See how Top Notch Personnel can assist you in your job search.